Honkai: Star Rail - Redeem Codes and How They Work


Honkai: Star Rail has a lot of things going for it, and one of them is redemption codes. You might stumble upon these from a variety of sources, and you might be wondering how to retrieve them. This is, after all, the reason you are here. So let’s skip the long introduction and show you how to redeem redeem codes in Honkai: Star Rail. Don’t forget to share the codes you find with your friends once you add friends in Honkai: Star Rail.

quick answer

To redeem a redeem code in Honkai: Star Rail, open the phone menu. From there, tap or tap on the 3-dot menu in the upper right corner of the screen and select the Redeem code option. Enter your code. You can claim your prize from your mailbox.

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How to redeem redemption codes in Honkai: Star Rail

List of Honkai Star Rail redemption codes

Indian Joe / Android Salad

Redeeming redemption codes for Honkai: Star Rail is simple. You must know where to look. Here’s a quick guide to that.

  • Press the phone menu button from the main in-game screen.
  • Tap on the three-dot menu button on the top right corner as shown in the screenshot above.
  • He chooses recovery codes.
  • On the next screen, enter your recovery code.
  • Professional advice – There is a Paste button on the right side of the box where you enter everything. You can copy your code from one source and hit the box to paste it automatically.
  • He hits Sure When you’re done.
  • If the code works, you will receive a message that your rewards are in your mailbox.
  • Head to your mailbox to claim your rewards.

Many bonuses have time or usage limits. Thus, it is not uncommon to see code that works for one person but not for you. It’s frustrating, but these things happen.

Where to get redemption codes in Honkai: Star Rail

Honkai star railway redemption codes mailbox

Indian Joe / Android Salad

Icons can be found in different places. Here are the places you’re most likely to find them.

From the list above, we recommend using the official subreddit and the official app. You will find almost all icons there. Plus, the official app has things like check-in bonuses that give you even more in-game rewards without the need for codes.


Based on what we were able to find, this could happen for several reasons. The code may have been scrolled a lot before it reached you. Many codes have time limits, and you’ll get this message if the code expires before you reach it. Finally, some codes seem to be frustratingly not working for some players.

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